*Please note - names have been changed to protect confidentiality
"Our Lyra EAP recommended Andy to us for marriage counseling. We worked with him for about 4 months. He gave us tools to help us solve problems and then cope better with the ones we can't. He has a great sense of humor and got us to laugh more, listen more and understand when our communication patterns were getting in the way. We are in such a better place now. Thanks Andy!" Erica and Michael L, Albany, NY
"We got Andy's name from our Lyra EAP program. My husband and I were really struggling with getting in constant fights over all sorts of stuff - how to raise kids, conflicts over spending money and a lot of little things. Andy got us to slow down, breath, and really listen to each other. He called it "listen to understand". He also gave us articles to read on how to change dysfunctional communication patterns that we learned from our upbringing. Marriage counseling wasn't easy for sure but it really helped us!! Becky K, Buffalo, NY
"We met Andy throught our Lyra EAP program for couples counseling. My wife and I were having great difficulty communicatiing and trying to work through really complicated family issues. Andy was a great help! We learned how to do "healthy conflict" which made a world of difference for us. We also did a "love map" exercise that really helped us reconnect. A+ experience! Tony K, Manhattan, NY
"I have a teenage son that got really depressed and suicidal. I was really scared and didn't know what to do. A friend of mine recommended that I see Andy. He met with me and my son for three months and lots of great things happened. My son's depression lifted and I learned that I needed to change the way that I communicated with him to help him stay better. We don't see Andy anymore but I know he is just a phone call away." Francine L., Corning
"I have seen counselors before but Andy has been the most helpful by far. He listens and really cares! He also has a great sense of humor and used it to help get me out of my negative funk. Andy's questions really made me think and look at things in different ways. It really helped and I am a happier person now! Derek B., Big Flats, NY
"I have had anxiety and panic attacks since I was a teen. A few months ago they were getting really bad both at work and home. Andy did some exercises with me they made them practically go away! He helped me change the way I think, taught me helpful self-talk skills and then used visualization techniques to help me gain confidence. I don't really understand some of the things what he did but it worked! Dolores G., Corning, NY
"I was having a really rough time at work and the stress of it was keeping me up at night and also effecting the way I was communicating to my wife and daughter. I was a mess! Andy helped me really focus on a couple of goals and then act on them. I changed the way I communicated with a few people at work and then let go of things that were out of my control. Things got really better and I became much more relaxed. I strongly recommend Andy to anyone that is feeling off track." Doug P., Painted Post, NY
"My wife and I were really unhappy in our relationship. I didn't think we were going to make it. I was wrong. Andy helped us reconnect in a way that really worked for both of us. We both made small changes in how we related to each other. The small changes made a BIG difference. We are back on track and happy! Steven T, Big Flats, NY.
"Andy helped me realize that I was taking life WAY to seriously. Andy has a great sense of humor and we actually laughed a lot in our counseling sessions. It really helped me relax and figure out ways of letting stuff go. My anxiety is now under control." Peter R, Corning, NY
"My life got really stressful in so many ways and I had a really hard time just getting through each day. It was awful. My doctor gave me Andy's name. I didn't go at first and then things got worse. I am so glad I did. I now have new skills to help me deal with stress and the challenges of living a busy, hectic life. If you are stressed out, go see Andy. It helped! Kelly M, Corning , NY
"I work at Corning, Inc. and was having problems managing the demands of work and family. Andy's questions helped me figure out how to get more organized and delegate more to others. It really helped. I'm now getting more done and working less. My wife loves it that I'm home for dinner now! Frank N., Painted Post, NY
"My doctor recommended that I see Andy. I was feeling realing stuck in life and was having lots of problems with my kids. Andy helped me figure out a plan and some goals to work on that gave me a sense of hope and direction. I now am getting along much better with my kids and also got a better job! I just recommended that a friend of mine see Andy as well." Jim P, Corning, NY
"I was having a lot of problems with my supervisor and we just couldn't get along. I used my EAP program at work and saw Andy about six times. He helped me figure out a plan to communicate more effectively with my boss. It worked great and we now have a much more productive relationship and only get off track rarely instead of regularly. Andy helped me realize that we all look at the world in different ways. I now understand how my boss looks at the world and the best way of working with her." Bridgett K, Elmira, NY
"I have a 14 year old son that was really depressed. I didn't know what to do until a friend of mine recommended Andy. Andy worked with me and my son for about 5 months and it really helped! My son realized that his problems were temporary and he had options that he never thought of. He's no longer depressed, has made better friends and is thinking in a more positive way. Thank you Andy." John L, Big Flats NY
I've had anxiety for just about all of my life. It used to get so bad I wouldn't leave my house. Andy helped me a lot. I learned how to think about things in different ways and he taught me a special breathing technique that helps calm me down. I still get anxious every now and then but when it comes I know how to make it go away. I'm so much more happier now and actually have a life! Phil D.
"I just wanted to tell you how much you have helped me to learn more about myself and to stand up and do what I feel is right. Believe me if it wasn't for you and counseling I don't know where my life would be today. I had a lot of things to sort out about my own life and marriage and you've helped me so much. I just can't thank you enough! Linda R, Sayre, PA
“I have suffered with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. Before being referred to Andy I had seen countless doctors, counselors and psychiatrists. I have tried more medications than I can remember. When I was referred to Andy I had so much stress in my life that I just couldn't think straight! Andy's simple and caring approach helped when everything else failed. He helped me develop a different perspective on things and much more peace of mind." Thanks Andy!!! John T, Corning, NY
"Our son is a hardworking, well behaved, high achieving student and just a delightful kid most of the time, not only to us but to everyone who knows him. However, since childhood, he has had episodes of explosive anger and frustration that would last sometimes for hours. As he approached teenage years, I began to have that gut fear that we could lose him or that he could seriously injure himself during one of these episodes. I will never forget the look of relief on his face when I saw him after his first appointment with you. His first words were, “It turns out, there’s nothing really wrong with me, I’ve just been reacting to things and I don’t have to do that!” Your calm, easy style and sense of humor was perfectly suited to his personality. Through your techniques he is now able to quickly check his reactions whenever he faces disappointment or frustration We have seen a dramatic change in his reactions to the “bumps” in life. And I take comfort, that as we face the next few teenage years with him, we have someone he can consult if he needs a “tune up”. I don’t think that it is understating things to say that you may have saved the life of this beautiful boy. Thank you Andy, I will always be grateful.” Maggie, Corning, NY
"I was in a pretty bad car accident and saw some things that were pretty bad. I was having nightmares and flashbacks and could never really relax after the accident. After seeing Andy for a couple of months the nighmares and flashbacks went away and I can sleep again! I still have the memory of the car accident but when I think about it now, it doesn't get me upset." Mike, Elmira, NY
"When I went to you I was on the edge of losing my sanity, full of rage and almost beaten by disappointments. A lot of issues have been worked out quickly with your guidance and expertise. This allowed us the chance to work on additional items, such as, and this is a huge one, my smoking. I have smoked for almost 40 years. Through your special "swish" technique and the flexibility to personalize it, we developed a method that worked! Absolutely amazing! To think I can now write I am a nonsmoker. To think I can now plan on a future. To think that I will no longer have to hide my habit and to spend all of that money not only on cigarettes but also paraphernalia to disguise it. To think that I am now FREE!! Thank you!!" Nancy, Corning, NY
"I have been to other counselors and felt like I was I was another "case" and that my inability to express myself was somehow insignificant. After coming to see you, I now realize they were not listening to me! You helped me process my thoughts & feelings and realize that I could convey these to others without getting all tied up in the emotion of the moment. You made me realize that I do have something to say and helped me to be able to do so with dignity. I found your techniques a little different, but hey they worked and I find myself using them without even trying....and they STILL work!! Again, thank you so much Andy, it was an awesome, albeit tough choice I made to make that first appointment, I am thankful I did, it has been life changing and I am grateful for the energy you put into your work! Debbie, Painted Post, NY
"Andy was recommended to me because I was having issues with anger, anxiety and dealing with disappointment. Since meeting with him however, things have started to look up. His easygoing, yet professional, attitude make it simple to talk to him. His wide variety of calming and stress relieving techniques have become invaluable tools in daily life. Everyone around me agrees that I am a much easier person to get along with now. I owe great thanks to you!" Charlie, Elmira, NY
"When I first met Andy my anxiety and fears of illness were so debilitating that I rarely left the house with my children. Anxiety controlled my life and had changed me, I was no longer the mommy I knew I could be. I can proudly say that with Andy's help my anxiety levels have significantly reduced. I take my children to play dates outside the home and love watching them thrive. My life has been given back to me. My children have their mommy back. Andy made me realize that my son did not almost die, he survived! I cannot say enough good things about Andy and his counseling services." Karen, Bath, NY
"I came to Andy for help in dealing with anger issues. What he did was help me to realize what I actually wanted out of life...... and it wasn't to inflict pain on those around me! His caring way and sense of humor put me instantly at ease which made the work we did to get through my problems so much more productive. He has taught me a whole new set of skills to use in dealing with my feelings of anger and anxiety that have made a huge difference in my life. Thank you Andy!" Angelina, Big Flats, NY
"I had an illness that gave me a lot of anxiety and I got to the point where I was afraid to do anything with friends and something as simple as going to school became a burden. Then my parents told me about Andy and he was great! He took the time and the effort needed to get me back on my feet and doing the things that I love again. He explained things thoroughly, he was patient, understanding, and had a great sense of humor! Now I hardly miss any activity with friends and I no longer have those horrible knots in my stomach! Thank you Andy! Helen, Corning, NY
"Before I visited Andy I was unable to do the simpilest things, like drive on the highway. I was overcome with fear and anxiety and avoided it at all costs. After a few visits with Andy he gave me the necessary tools to deal with my fears . Today not only am I driving but feel as though this huge weight has been lifted. Life is Good! Andy, you truly are a gifted counselor and I can't thank you enough. God Bless." Leslie, Horseheads, NY
“Thanks Andy for helping me and my son. We are finally getting along and actually talking! He is also doing much better in school and is thinking about going to college. The communication goals that we worked made a HUGE difference!" Edward, Corning, NY
“After years of struggling with anxiety, I feel like I can breathe easy again. I am so much more relaxed and deal with stress in such a better way. The stuff we talked about helped me take difficult situations and look at them in a different way and deal with them in a more calm and relaxed way. Thanks Andy. Don’t move out of town please. I may need a tune up!" Eric, Big Flats, NY
"Your questions were hard but they helped me figure out what I wanted out of life and how to get started. What's exciting to me now is that there is light at the end of the tunnel!" Anthony, Elmira, NY